
Timeout waiting for modules to be invalidated - react-native

Timeout waiting for modules to be invalidated - react-native


React Native is one of the most popular framework for writing hybrid applications for iOS, android, windows etc. using javascript and typescript. But along with it comes a lot of pain, that consume a lot of time. Even some people leave react-native because of that in the beginning, but beauty lies ahead of all these pain.

One of the many such problems is

Timeout waiting for modules to be invalidated

Also read: NextJS - from React.js to an ultra-fast experience.


iOS in react-native supports debug over wi-fi by default. So, it is absolutely necessary to connect your MacBook and iPhone with the same wi-fi network.

So if you're getting this error, so just turn on the wi-fi in your iPhone device and connect to the same network as your MacBook, cheers 🥂 the error will go away now :) 



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