
Chapter - 2: C Instructions

Consider a currency system in which there are notes of seven denominations, namely, Rs. 1, Rs. 2, Rs. 5, Rs. 10, Rs. 50, Rs. 100. Is a sum of Rs. N is entered through the keyboard, write a program to compute the smallest number of notes that will combine to give Rs. N.

int main()
	int n100, n50, n10, n5, n2, n1, num;
	printf("\nEnter the amount : ");
	scanf("%d", &num);
	//Numbers of notes of 100
	n100 = num / 100;	
	num = num % 100;
	//Numbers of notes of 50
	n50 = num / 50;
	num = num % 50;
	//Numbers of notes of 10
	n10 = num / 10;
	num = num % 10;
	//Numbers of notes of 5
	n5 = num / 5;
	num = num % 5;
	//Numbers of notes of 2
	n2 = num / 2;
	num = num % 2;
	//Numbers of notes of 1
	n1 = num / 1;
	printf("\n\nTo give amount of %d you have to give : \n");
	printf("%d of notes of hundred.\n", n100);
	printf("%d of notes of fifty.\n", n50);
	printf("%d of notes of ten.\n", n10);
	printf("%d of notes of five.\n", n5);
	printf("%d of notes of two.\n", n2);
	printf("%d of notes of one.\n", n1);
	return 0;

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