Chapter - 3: The Decision Control

According to the Gregorian calendar, it was Monday on the date 01/01/1900. If any year is input through the keyboard write a program to find out what is the day on 1st January of this year.

int main()
	int yer,a, day = 0;
	printf("Enter a year : ");
	scanf("%d", &yer);
	//Counting total number of days
	for(a = 1; a < yer; a++)
		if(a % 4 == 0)//366 days if a leap year
			day = day + 366;
			day = day + 365;
	day = day % 7;
	if(day == 1)
		printf("It'll be Monday on 01/01/%d", yer);
	if(day == 2)
		printf("It'll be Tuesday on 01/01/%d", yer);
	if(day == 3)
		printf("It'll be Wednesday on 01/01/%d", yer);
	if(day == 4)
		printf("It'll be Thursday on 01/01/%d", yer);
	if(day == 5)
		printf("It'll be Friday on 01/01/%d", yer);
	if(day == 6)
		printf("It'll be Saturday on 01/01/%d", yer);
	if(day == 0)
		printf("It'll be Sunday on 01/01/%d", yer);
	return 0;

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