Chapter - 6: Functions And Pointers

Point out the errors, if any, in the following programs:



int addmult(int, int);
int main()
	int i = 3, j = 4, k, l ;
	k = addmult ( i, j ) ;
	l = addmult ( i, j ) ;
	printf ( "\n%d %d", k, l ) ; 
	return 0;
int addmult ( int ii, int jj )
	int kk, ll ;
	kk = ii + jj ;
	ll = ii * jj ;
	return ( kk, ll ) ;


1. A semicolon missing in the prototype declaration of the function.
2. A function cannot return more than one values.


void message();
int main()
	int a ;
	a = message( ) ; 
	return 0;
void message( )
	printf ( "\nViruses are written in C" ) ; 

Error: message function has return type void, so it cannot be assigned to any variable.


int main()
	float a = 15.5;
	char ch = 'C';
	printit ( a, ch );
	return 0;
printit ( a, ch )
	printf ( "\n%f %c", a, ch ) ;


1. Function definition argument should have a datatype.
2. The function is not defined before calling, or there should be a prototype declaration of the function.


void message();
int main()
	return 0;
message( );
	printf ( "\nPraise worthy and C worthy are synonyms" ) ;

Error: invalid use of semicolon after function name in the function definition.


int main()
	let_us_c( )
		printf ( "\nC is a Cimple minded language !" ) ;
		printf ( "\nOthers are of course no match !" ) ;
	return 0;

Error: Function definition is invalid in other functions.


void message();
int main()
	return 0;
void message()
	printf("It's a small world after all...\n");

Error: void is sent in the message as an argument, which is invalid.

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