Roll number, Name, Department, Course, Year of joining
Assume that there are not more than 450 students in the
(a) Write a function to print names of all students who joined in a particular year.
(b) Write a function to print the data of a student whose roll number is given.
struct studata
int roll;
char name[50];
char depart[50];
char course[20];
int yoj;
}nos[450] = { 03, "Kishor", "IT", "", 2014,
10, "Mohammad Siraj Alam", "Computer Science", "B.Tech", 2014,
53, "Deepak", "Computer Applications", "BCA", 2013,
13, "Karan", "Mechanical", "Diploma", 2013,
1, "Aakash", "Tool and Die", "Diploma", 2012,
2, "Ramesh", "IT", "", 2014
void student_in_year(int year)
int i;
printf("\n\t\tYear of joining : %d\n\n", year);
for (i = 0; i <= 450; i++)
if (nos[i].yoj == year)
printf("\nRoll Number : %d", nos[i].roll);
printf("\nName : %s", nos[i].name);
printf("\nDepartment : %s", nos[i].depart);
printf("\nCourse : %s\n", nos[i].course);
void student_data(int enroll)
int i;
printf("\nRoll number : %d", enroll);
for (i = 0; i <= 450; i++)
if (nos[i].roll == enroll)
printf("\nName : %s", nos[i].name);
printf("\nDepartment : %s", nos[i].depart);
printf("\nCourse : %s\n", nos[i].course);
printf("\nYear of joining : %d\n", nos[i].yoj);
int main()
int yoj, roll;
printf("\nEnter year of joining of the students : ");
scanf("%d", &yoj);
printf("\nEnter the roll number of the studnet you want data : ");
scanf("%d", &roll);
return 0;