
Chapter - 9: Arrays

For the following set of n data points (x, y), compute the correlation coefficient r. given by


r = (xysum - xsum*ysum) / (sqrt((n*x2sum - xsum*xsum)*(n*y2sum - ysum*ysum)));

x y
34.22 102.43
39.87 100.93
41.85 97.43
43.23 97.81
40.06 98.32
53.29 98.32
53.29 100.07
54.14 97.08
49.12 91.59
40.71 94.85
55.15 94.65


int main()
	float x[11][2] = {
		34.22, 102.43,
		39.87, 100.93,
		41.85, 97.43,
		43.23, 97.81,
		40.06, 98.32,
		53.29, 98.32,
		53.29, 100.07,
		49.12, 91.59,
		40.71, 94.85,
		55.15, 94.65,

		xysum = 0, xsum = 0, ysum = 0, x2sum = 0, y2sum = 0, n = 11, r;
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i<11; i++)
		xsum = xsum + x[i][0];
		ysum = ysum + x[i][0];
		xysum = xysum + x[i][0] * x[i][1];
		x2sum = x2sum + x[i][0] * x[i][0];
		y2sum = y2sum + x[i][1] * x[i][1];

	r = (xysum - xsum*ysum) / (sqrt((n*x2sum - xsum*xsum)*(n*y2sum - ysum*ysum)));

	printf("Coefficient of correlation (r) = %f", r);

	return 0;


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