
Chapter - 9: Arrays

Match the following with reference to the following program segment :

unsigned int arr[3][3] = {
	2, 4, 6,
	9, 1, 10,
	16, 64, 5
1. **arr                                  a. 64
2. **arr < *(*arr + 2)			  b. 18
3. *(arr + 2) / (*(*arr + 1) > **arr)     c. 6
4. *(arr[1] + 1) | arr[1][2]		  d. 3
5. *(arr[0]) | *(arr[2])	          e. 0
6. arr[1][1] < arr[0][1]                  f. 16
7. arr[2][[1] & arr[2][0]                 g. 1
8. arr[2][2] | arr[0][1]                  h. 11
9. arr[0][1] ^ arr[0][2]                  i. 20
10. ++**arr + --arr[1][1]                 j. 2
                                          k. 5
                                          l. 4


1. = j. 2 2. = g. 1 3. = None, it prints the address of a[2][0]th element. 4. = h. 11 5. = b. 18 6. = g. 1 7. = e. 0 8. = k. 5 9. = j. 2 10.= d. 3

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