
Chapter - 13: File Input-Output

There are 100 records present in a file with the following structure:

struct date
	int d, m, y ;
} ;

struct employee
	int empcode[6] ;
	char empname[20] ;
	struct date join_date ;
	float salary ;
} ;

Write a program to read these records, arrange them in ascending order of join_date and write them into a target file.



struct date
	int d, m, y;

struct employee
	char empcode[6];
	char empname[20];
	struct date join_date;
	float salary;

/*To display list in way they are actually saved in disk.*/
void display(char*);
/*To make file before sorting them*/
void add_info(char*, char*, struct date, float);
/*Sort by date of joining*/
void sortbydoj(char*);
void swap(struct employee*, struct employee*);

int main()
	struct date d = {13, 1, 1995};
	add_info("EMP01","Siraj", d,  50000.00);
	d.d = 17; d.m = 5; d.y = 1994;
	add_info("EMP04","Karan", d,45000.00);
	d.d = 7; d.m = 7; d.y = 1995;
	add_info("EMP03","Deepak", d,45000.00);
	d.d = 2; d.m = 11; d.y = 1995;
	d.d = 15; d.m = 1; d.y = 2001;
	add_info("EMP04", "Vijay", d, 21000.00);
	d.d = 24; d.m = 5; d.y = 1993;
	add_info("EMP06", "Shanu", d, 55000.00);
	return 0;

void display(char *file)
	FILE *fp;
	struct employee e;
	fp = fopen(file, "rb");
	while (fread(&e, sizeof(e), 1, fp) == 1)
		printf("\n%s", e.empcode);
		printf("\t%s", e.empname);
		printf("\t%d", e.join_date.d);
		printf("\t%d", e.join_date.m);
		printf("\t%d", e.join_date.y);
		printf("\t%f\n", e.salary);

void add_info(char *code, char *name, struct date doj, float salary)
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen("Record.dat", "rb+");
	if (fp == NULL)
		fp = fopen("Record.dat", "wb");
	struct employee e;
	strcpy(e.empcode, code);
	strcpy(e.empname, name);
	e.join_date = doj;
	e.salary = salary;
	fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
	fwrite(&e, sizeof(e), 1, fp);

void swap(struct employee *a, struct employee *b)
	struct employee temp;
	temp = *a;
	*a = *b;
	*b = temp;

void sortbydoj(char *file)
	int i = 0, j, count;
	FILE *fp1;
	struct employee e[100], temp;
	fp1 = fopen(file, "rb");
	if (fp1 == NULL)
		puts("\nUnable to open file or the file do not exist.");
	while (1)
		/*Saving the data in the array of structures*/
		if (fread(&e[i], sizeof(e[i]), 1, fp1) != 1)

	/*Total number of records*/
	count = i;

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		for (j = i + 1; j < count; j++)
			if (e[i].join_date.y >= e[j].join_date.y)
				if (e[i].join_date.y > e[j].join_date.y)
					swap(&e[i], &e[j]);
					if (e[i].join_date.m >= e[j].join_date.m)
						if (e[i].join_date.m > e[j].join_date.m)
							swap(&e[i], &e[j]);
						else if (e[i].join_date.d >= e[j].join_date.d)
							swap(&e[i], &e[j]);

	/*Printing the array after sorting by date of joining*/

	printf("Employee Id\tName\tdd  mm  yyyy\tSalary\n");
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		printf("\n%-12s", e[i].empcode);
		printf("\t%s", e[i].empname);
		printf("\t % 2d", e[i].join_date.d);
		printf("% 2d", e[i].join_date.m);
		printf("% 2d", e[i].join_date.y);
		printf("\t%2.2f\n", e[i].salary);


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